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Showing posts from January, 2014

Grand Return- MUA Haul

Hi Guys! So after hideously long hiatus from the world of blogging I have finally managed to get chance to sit down and sort out my first post of 2014. Lots of things seem to have crept up on me recently which seem to have taken over my life, but now i'm back with many more beauty reviews and updates from the past few months. I went to Abu Dhabi last week and managed to spend a ridiculous amount at all the various malls over there so lots of reviews of what I bought are to come! Including what I bought at Bath and Body works.For any american readers, fyi, I am insanely jealous that you have these. I absolutely love the products from there but we don't have it over here. This makes me sad :( Anyway, start as a I mean to go on! Review time. A few weeks ago I put in a massive order at MUA. Mainly for their hyped Undressed palettes but I also added a few other items to my shopping basket too! Not only did I buy their undressed and undress me too palettes (which I have to ...