Is music. So I thought I might try mixing things up a little bit. Not every week, but most weeks I'm going to start posting tracks on here that are my most listened too and highly recommend. It might be fairly sporadic as will only be when I think a track is really worth sharing and I might just add it into my usual posts. What do you all think? I've being toying with the idea for a while and have decided to just go for it. I love listening to music of any genre and love sharing tracks with my friends so thought I would include you lot in that too. My taste in music is a bit all over the place. There isn't really a specific genre of music I love so each thing I post is going to be fairly random and will just be what I'm into at that moment in time. So a word of warning it might not be to everyone's taste! So here's my first track of the week.. So this is Changes by Faul & Wad Ad Vs Pnau. I heard this about 3 weeks ago and it screame...